Tuesday 30 August 2011

The car

Well we finally got the car into a garage to find the fuel filter has given up the ghost and worse then that the transmission is no longer with us .
So much for getting a good service in Broome before we set off !
Apart from the cost to get the parts they need to be freighted to the garage from Perth which will take three days .
Looking at now having to be here another week with no car to get us around .
Looking to do a three night kayak down the Ord river at the weekend to get out in the bush and seeing the bungle bungles early next week
Weather now getting really hot during the day and the evenings are balmy .
Kununarra still quite busy with grey nomads but the next few weeks will see the caravans taper off due to the heat and the start of the wet season coming .
Must admit two weeks in Kununarra was not the plan but better it happened here then a couple of weeks ago .

Set up with car !

What the Set up should look like !

Friday 26 August 2011


Booked a boat trip today from Kununurra to the Argyle dam which is about 55kms each way.
Set off about midday up the river to a beautiful backdrop with a half full boat ( we were about the youngest on the boat).
Whizzed up the on the way up to the dam wall then slowly cruised back with commentary about the area. Stopped for afternoon tea on the river bank .lots of wildlife to see
Beautiful sunset .
Baked beans on toast and chardonnay for dinner .
A good day.
Off to the races tomorrow to try and make the $750 back we spent on tyres yesterday. Last day of the racing calander here and if Broome races are a gauge it should be a very interesting and dusty day.as usual will pick horses names that relate to Rebs and Tom !
Photos uploaded for the day.

Ord river wild lifev


Nearly dusk

Ord river by Debs

Ord river

Afternoon tea at Ord river

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Home valley -Kununurra

Only 70kms to go to hit bitumen and only took about 2hours.
Once on the back top found the car is not accelerating as should so took it easy into town .
Once in town tried to buy a jockey wheel but no such luck .
Camping at Ivanhoe camping ground and boy is it busy with campers, trailers, rigs, caravans .
Going to spend ome time here waiting for the jockey wheel but still could be a week away .
Day 2/3
Spent the days blobbing about but also trying to get the car sorted and tyres done .
Had to get two new tyres ($750.00!!!!) for the car and had to get the car booked in to get looked at , unfortunately cannot be looked at until Monday ( 5days).could be a fuel pump problem or the transmission .
Luckily our Racq ultra care entitles us to accommodation and car hire for 5 days while the Prado is off the road.
Look like we will be doing some sight seeing over the next 5 days

Ellenbrae station

Ellenbrae -Home valley Stationn
Picked up the repaired tyre , stone right through the tread , $55.00 and advised to use it as a spare only for emergencys .
Heard the mighty All Blacks lost to SA , not a good start to the day .

Took about 3 hours to get here and I swear the road s getting worse as we travel out of the area, this years wet season has caused some major damage to the road in parts.
Arrived in Home valley station ( shaken but not stirred) which is very picturesque and the place they filmed Australia , good set up with bar , restaurant , pools , shop etc .
Had dinner in the restaurant which was a nice change.
Came back campsite to hear a great acoustic guitar player , even did some Paul Weller from the album wild wild wood , unfortunately could not reach the dizzy heights of Ten years after .
Day 2 
Quiet day , dozed , swam , walked , drank wine .
Off tomorrow to Kununurra which is a town of 6000 at the start of  GRR.
Mt Elizebeth -Ellenbrae station 180kms 
Set off good and early and was on the road by 7.45am.tied the headlight on with fishing wire to hold it in place .
Road in pretty good nick for most of the way with some rough bits .
Got to 3kms away from our turnoff to the station and wondered why the car was not pulling . Pulled over and lo and behold a flat back tyre !!!.
Just as we pulled up a guy pulled up who was part of the crew grading the road who was a tyre changing world champion and  we were back on the road in 20 minutes. Life saver.
Got to the campsite after having scones etc (Ellenbrae is well known on the GRR for it's scones ) had the tent up by 1.30 pm.
Two nights here to have a break and get the tyre fixed .
Day 2
Quiet day with a 6pm walk and a couple of cool offs in the billabong , bloody cold but very refreshing .
Setting off to Home valley station tomorrow about 140 kms away , hope the road is okay but speaking to fellow campers it's not pretty .
Charnelly  river station - Mt Elizabeth station 130 kms .
Left Mt Hart about about 9.00 am and made good time until we joined the GRR again , corrugations were really rough which once again  meant driving at 10kms per hour for quite a few kilometres.
Finally managed to get to Mt Barnett road house  ( 3 Michelin stars  in tinned goods )
Filled up the car and Jerry cans at a cost of $310 .petrol being $2.05 per litre ! But with no other petrol for 300kms each way its better then having none .
Groceries (bread, bacon baked beans etc $70.00 bloody hell, cheaper to drink the petrol ! ) bought enough to keep us going for the next week.
joined the GRR  and bliss the road until we turned off of for Mt Elizabeth  had been graded and was smooth as a baby's bum , got upto 60kms per hour for a while .
Got to the station which was a 30kms turnoff at about 3.00 pm so about 6 hours to do about 130kms . 
Found a campsite , checked the car and one of the front headlights has come loose. 
Made a friend with one of the station dogs who will not now  leave me alone and keeps bringing me sticks to throw for him , eat your heart out Amy Seymour . 
Day 2
Mt Elizabeth Station 
Very quiet day reading , more hand washing and a bush walk of about 5kms .
Dodgy sausage roll at Mt Barnett yesterday playing havoc with the digestive system ( me being polite)  
Campsite and facilities not as good as promised in the travel books with the gorge about 9.5kms away and speaking to another camper the road is "a car killer " 
 Glad we are only staying the two nights .
Early night tonight  as tomorrow we have about 180 kms to get to Ellenbrae station and we are not sure about the condition of the road.
Mt Hart-  Charnley River Station -180km  

Set off about 11.30 am . Drive down to join the GRR was uneventfull with no traffic either way .
Once on the GRR the corrugations started in earnest with kilometres of the road hard going . Traveling at 10kms per hour for some bits .
Beautiful scenery but sometimes hard to take in due to road conditions .
Road from Silent grove turnoff to Imiitji store was great as it had recently been graded. 
Imitiji store was a disappointment as on our last visit it was a bit of an oasis of fresh coffee , muffins etc and a nice feel to the place .
This time it had little selection and the shelves all seemed a little bare or just had tinned stuff, pie warmer empty.
Settled for two crunchies ( crunched being the correct word) and a chocolate milk for lunch while driving.
Road from then on was bloody murder until the turn off to the campground.
Drove 43kms off the GRR to find the campground along a pretty good track with a few decent creek crossings. 
Drove round one corner to find a dingo in the middle of the road chewing on a dead kangeroo , nice.
Settled into the campsite and it was very peaceful in a great shaded clearing with hardly any other cars here .Lots of wildlife here with heaps of birdlife and wallabies hopping in front of you. 
The station is 750,000 acres with it being a working cattle station as well as a wildlife sanctuary .
It has some great gorges but are another 30kms drive in land from the campgrounds .The bush walks and swimming holes are nearby though.
Got here about 3.30 pm
Went to get the trailer and tent set up when we discovered all the corrugations or creek crossings had made the jockey wheel come off !
Houston we have a problem !
Propped up the trailer with a log and opened the wine.
Day two
Very lazy day , read books , dozed in the sun and took a 4.5 km walk in the afternoon through the bush to two small gorges and to the lookout which looked over the whole station. Nice flora and lots of kangaroos .
Day three 
Now we have no jockey wheel we cannot really separate the trailer from the car as the trailer has no support on the front end .
Rang the manufacturer in Brisbane from the station to let him know the issue and he is going to send a replacement to Kunnarra which is at the end of the GRR  and we can collect it there in about 8- 10 days .
Managed to separate the car and trailer with the help of a fellow camper , car jack and a few logs of wood to support it but not ideal    
Drove the car to Grevillea gorge which is 30kms from the campground  Up a dirt track that was in good condition with only a few rough spots.
Accessed the walk by a ladder tied to the rocks ( very OHS) and walked up the gorge which had some pools still running but give it another month will probably be dry. Bloody hot in the mid day sun .
Surprise , saw nobody all the time we were up there .

Mt Hart day 2

Mt Hart
Bit of a walk today to the Mt Matthew gorge .
Packed heaps  of water, fruit etc but no beer .
First part was  2.5 kms before the turn off road marked  "rough " for 1.7kms and it was rough . Glad we walked it as the track was rutted with cambers and good size rocks .Bit of a phobia at the moment about losing a tyre ( we have three spares but you never know , still 700 kms  to go before bitumen)
Walked the 1km to the gorge mouth before finding a nice shaded  waterhole to swim in . Bloody freezing at first but very refreshing . 
Casually sauntered back in 32+ degrees heat and once back in the Campsite jumped in the waterhole to cool off -bliss
Overall a 4 hour excursion .saw one other couple on the whole trip but nobody at the gorge.
Popped up to homestead for a beer ,(Dire Straits on the stereo again ,two nights running ) talk about quiet 3 rooms let and there is 5 of us using the Camp ground -bliss again.
You can eat in their restaurant here but must book by 3pm for a single 3 course menu @$39.00 pp .3 dining tonight !
We are cooking chicken tenderloins with mushroom risotto , cost $5.00 pp 
Only fly in the ointment is we are down to 2wine glasses now due to losing 1 to road corrugations and 1to my lack of coordination.
Managed to get some Internet but very slow and only 15 minutes allowed .
Spoke to Rebs on the landline briefly all seems status quo at chez Seymour ( nothing happening as per usual).

Mt Hart

WIndjana to Mt Hart - 200kms 
Set off about 9.00 am after packing the camper, the rest of the campsite was pretty empty by then as most had gone on to Derby or Broome by the sound  of it.
Drove over Lenard river and through the opening in the rocks called Queen Victorias Head which is meant to look like a profile of her.
GRR quite corrugated in parts and drove past the grader on the way.
Saw two 4Wds changing tyres in certain rough parts ( its not a matter of if but when ) and at some times  we were down to 40kms an hour as it was pretty rough.
Heard a funny dragging noise to find we had lost one of our tow attachments to the camper , used a padlock to improvise.
Turned off the GRR at the turn off for the 50 kms detour to get here . Pretty rough in some places with 37 creek crossings to get through but during the dry season only about 7 had water to drive through. Heard another noise find the corrugations had dislodged the power outlet between the car and trailer.
Saw 2 other cars on the journey in.
Arrived and found the campsite chocker with another 4 tents here .
We picked a good spot with heaps of shade right beside the river and about 10 mins walk from the homestead.
Pretty quiet here with stunning scenery and we worked it out it must be about 3000 kms from Perth the state capital.
Went up to the homestead to find a mud map of the gorges and walks for tomorrow while having a quick beer and finding out they have some Internet.
Did some clothes hand washing with Debs and seemed quite easy , made me wonder why we need a washing machine at all. Food for thought .
Night time now and it's pretty cold with lots of noise from the cattle and bugs . Usually the stars are amazing this far out.
Looking to spend 3 nights here to do some of the gorges and walks.

Monday 22 August 2011

Day at WIndjana .

Spent the day in the national park.
Got up about 6.30am and packed for a walk through the gorge .
Pretty quiet with not a lot of other walkers . Beautiful scenery walking between the two sides of the gorge with the water in between . Saw a few big freshwater crocs basking in the shade and lots of Archer fish . 
Did not see as  many crocs as the last time we visited in 2010 but it might of had something to do with the massive wet we had in 2011 which caused some major flooding . 
The round walk took 2 1/2 hours and by then it was pretty hot so headed back to the camp .
Rest of the day quiet but at three o'clock it was so hot we went 
back to the gorge and slipped into the shallow water where we were sure it was croc free .
Talked to a guy while cooling off about getting upto the Mitchell Plateau and Kalumbaru Aboriginal community ( 250 kms off the GRR) and he said road is very bad after the wet season and he had seen heaps of trailers, cars with broken axles and sheared tyres . Food for thought but not a decision we need to make just yet.
Leaving here tomorrow after 3 days.

Morning walk

Basking in the sun

View from the tent

Saturday 13 August 2011

Tunnel creek

Tunnel creek - 40 kms  each way

Great nights sleep .
Went for an early morning walk along the gorge wall through the bush took about 45 minutes.
Drove to Tunnel creek ( no sign of a slow puncture) which is about 40kms away , the road has been graded recently so a pretty smooth trip .
Few cars at the Tunnel entrance . Last time we were here it was just after the wet season and the water was much deeper.
The tunnel is about 1km long and pitch black in parts with a fair bit of wading required to get through . The highest the water was today was waist height but very cold!
The signs at the start says that there are freshwater crocs in the tunnel sometimes of the year but not today.
Our head torches must of scared them off !
Got through to the other side to find a beautiful billabong and we had been told by friends in Broome that there is Aboriginal rock art  on the cliffs . We managed to find them but it's not signposted or even mentioned on the signs on the way in .look left .
Quiet afternoon sorting out the car , tent and dozing in the shade.
Very hot during the day from about 8.00 am once the sun comes over the range to about 4.00 pm . I thought my face was melting it was so hot. On a positive the solar panels are running the fridge and freezers really well.
Lots of shade and water required if your walking or out in the sun
Campsite filled up later in the afternoon , seems WIndjana is a bit of a one night stay for most travelers but theres enough to keep you here for three days .
Completed census .

WIndjana gorge

Broome - WIndjana Gorge - 450 kms approximately .

Set off about 10.00 am leaving Broome after saying good bye to the guys at the hotel.
Good drive out of Broome , lots of caravans and campers heading into Broome . It's Broome cup week this week which is the busiest week of the year so town will be chocker.
Stopped at Willare road house for a bite and filled up the Jerry cans at $1.85 per litre . 
Did not need to go into Derby this time to fill up and also missed the prison boab tree as we had seen it before but it is worth the detour to see as is the Mojumum Aboriginal art gallery that is 3kms  at the start of the GRR . 
Got to the start of the Gibb about 1.00 o'clock and drove through a burn off of the bush either of the road , quite smart to see.
Let the tyre pressure down on the car and trailers tyres  making it  easier on the corrugations and found a sharp price of metal embedded in the rear tyre .left it there to remove when we get to the campsite.
Got to Windjana about 4.00 o'clock and self registered for three nights at $22.00 per night .
Setup the camper in 30 minutes and it all went well including solar panels for the fridges.
Removed the metal from the tyre now will see if we have a slow puncture over night .
Found a good camp site with great view overlooking the range ( used to be a coral reef millions of years ago ) and watched the sun go down which looks stunning on the walls of the  gorge.
Campsite pretty busy but still lots of space so don't feel as people are on top of you .
Grilled steak and salad for dinner (eating the perishables first )with a bottle of Watershed Chardonnay  and a beer to cleanse the palette .
Early night tonight as tomorrow we want to go tunnel creek which is about 50 kms away with a few corrugations to contend with .

Sunday 7 August 2011

Sunday , packing the trailer and going to the Mangrove for drinks .

Spent the day packing the trailer with all the clothes , kitchen stuff and recovery items .went to do the food shopping and filled a trolley not sure if it will all go in the camper trailers fridge. Should have about 12 days of meals and 14 bottles of wine . Solar panels seemed to charge the fridges ok but only time will tell if they will keep them all running after 5 days of been remote .
Meet friends(Jodie , mal, Gail ,akshay, Wendy ,vini, debsx2 at the Mangrove hotel for a goodbye with great views and and great bucket of prawns .
Finished the night at CAptains Murphys Irish Pub fir dinner .
Early start tomorrow to WIndjana national park about 4 hours drive away at the start of the Gibb River Road .

Bucket of prawns $15.00

View over Roebuck bay

Mangrove drinks

Saturday 6 August 2011

Packing the trailer

Saturday 6th August .
Two days to go , spent today clearing the flat of all the stuff we need to put in the trailer . Filled the car with petrol that was $1.63 a litre so came to $ 200.00 to fill both tanks but not the jerrys on the trailer. Went to town to get some books to take with us and a bit of shopping . Early night needed as tomorrow we need to fill the CT , buy enough food for 12 days minimum , and be totally ready before we meet everybody at the Mangrove at 15.00 hours for a drink.