Wednesday 24 August 2011

Mt Hart day 2

Mt Hart
Bit of a walk today to the Mt Matthew gorge .
Packed heaps  of water, fruit etc but no beer .
First part was  2.5 kms before the turn off road marked  "rough " for 1.7kms and it was rough . Glad we walked it as the track was rutted with cambers and good size rocks .Bit of a phobia at the moment about losing a tyre ( we have three spares but you never know , still 700 kms  to go before bitumen)
Walked the 1km to the gorge mouth before finding a nice shaded  waterhole to swim in . Bloody freezing at first but very refreshing . 
Casually sauntered back in 32+ degrees heat and once back in the Campsite jumped in the waterhole to cool off -bliss
Overall a 4 hour excursion .saw one other couple on the whole trip but nobody at the gorge.
Popped up to homestead for a beer ,(Dire Straits on the stereo again ,two nights running ) talk about quiet 3 rooms let and there is 5 of us using the Camp ground -bliss again.
You can eat in their restaurant here but must book by 3pm for a single 3 course menu @$39.00 pp .3 dining tonight !
We are cooking chicken tenderloins with mushroom risotto , cost $5.00 pp 
Only fly in the ointment is we are down to 2wine glasses now due to losing 1 to road corrugations and 1to my lack of coordination.
Managed to get some Internet but very slow and only 15 minutes allowed .
Spoke to Rebs on the landline briefly all seems status quo at chez Seymour ( nothing happening as per usual).

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